报告题目:Observation of High-Temperature Superconductivity in Hydrogen-Rich Compounds and its Experimental Background
报告人:Katsuya SHIMIZU, Professor, Osaka University
Zoom会议:950 680 6742 密码:2022
Synthesis of RTS, room-temperature superconductor (superconducting at temperature higher than room temperature) is one of the goals of material science and technology. “Pressure” is a powerful tools for the study the superconductor to improve the superconducting property, and to synthesis of superconductors. Recently the superconductivity exceeding 200 K was reported in the hydrogen-rich compounds. We have performed the synthesis of the compounds from metals and elemental hydrogen H2 or hydrogen source by laser heating at high pressure, and the crystal structure analysis by using the synchrotron x-ray in SPring-8. The recent experimental investigations for synthesis and observation of pressure-induced superconductivity will be reviewed.
Katsuya Shimizu is Professor at the Center for Quantum Science and Technology under Extreme Conditions, Osaka University, Japan. He received his PhD from Osaka University, Japan. His current research interests concern condensed matter physics at extreme conditions, with reference to metallic hydrogen. He was awarded with the Van Valkenburg Award (1998), the Sir Martin Wood Prize (2000), the Nishina Memorial Prize (2001), the Prize for Superconducting Science and Technology (2002). He was elected member of the AIRAPT Executive Committee in 2011, and Vice-President in 2015.